Friday, October 2, 2009

my how we (and my hair) have grown...

(21st birthday celebration, 2005)

Tonight will be the celebration of another milestone with these lovely ladies in the big city of Boston! This year, I will not be donning that fabulous turquoise blazer (with suede elbow pads!), as it was a victim of one of the following tragedies: 1) left on bus in Ireland - no, that was a Moroccan scarf; 2) burned in explosive car fire on cape cod - no, that was a pair of vintage cowboy boots; 3) stolen by the colliseum in rome - nope, that'd be the purse (edition #1) holding my passport and all my money (edition #2 would later burn in aforementioned car fire and not repurchased a third time)... I probably left it on a park bench or something. Were it still in my possession, I just might wear it tonight.
What I will be wearing: A smile! (*blush* that was terrible...) I'm super-excited to see the girls again. Beantown, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. k I'm mad about all these posts about coming to Boston and the deafening lack of phone calls I have received from you upon such trips. tsk
