Friday, December 21, 2012

life lately: o christmas tree!

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Sadly, K wasn't able to participate in the tree-cutting festivities this year because he was in the midst of the madness of finals week (and my youngest brother didn't make it up from Boston), so it was a small but celebratory crew.  We had mimosas and fruit salad and mom's special egg dish and then went up to the Christmas tree field to cut the tree for my apartment before coming back down to cut down the monstrosity behind the house for mom and dad (please note: the hacksaw wasn't cutting it [ha, literally...] so dad had to get out the chainsaw, and then the tree almost fell on mom--ha!).  Then we went back inside for eggnog and cookie baking (and I took a nap--too much day drinking) before heading into town for a performance of David Budbill's play "Two for Christmas" (he taught my Young Playwright's workshop for several years in middle and high school, but I had never seen any of his plays before--whoops!)

I finally got home around midnight and K and I got the tree up and lit, but we didn't end up decorating it until a week later, when his finals were over and he could finally relax.  I love having the tree in our apartment--it makes everything look so cozy :)